Q about teen driving in Kansai

(I don't know any teens!) As I understand it, you can get your car driver's license on your 18th birthday, and that's uniform (Is it?) throughout all Japan departments. (Unlike, say, sex (!) where I believe officially you have to be 18 in Kanto but 17 in Kansai!)

Anyway my US acquaintance who's a driving instructor (I mean in the US) was wondering as a curiosity, in Kansai (same all of Japan?) in fact can you take driving lessons ie presumably with an instructor when you're under 18 (17? 16? what?) .. I guess that's the question.

(Actually I suppose if the answer is No, it would be technically impossible to literally get a DL on your 18th birthday? Or?)

Thanks if anyone knows!

I seem to remember hearing about driving "camps" for <18 but perhaps that's only on private/closed roads?

(PS. I'm fully aware that in Japan, certainly Tokyo, just in broad terms not so many people need a DL and it's not like the US where 99% of teens get a DL the first day they can, and it costs a few dollars and is easy.)

by jonny_cheers

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