Finished N4, Genki 1 & 2, J4BP I-III, and still taking a course… how do I step up my game?

I've been studying Japanese longer than I care to remember. I'm taking a weekly in-person course, but we're moving at a snail's pace, and there are only 3 students (including me) in the class. The main reason I'm in is because it motivates me to keep going, and I'm concerned that self-study will be hard to keep up without some external stimulus.

In class, we've done Genki I and II and are wrapping up Japanese For Busy People III. Sensei also gives us printouts from Kanji Tamago. I've also taken N4 and passed by the skin of my teeth.

I should also point out that I have a full-time job, so anything more than say, one hour of studying per day seems unrealistic.

I think probably my vocabulary and speaking & listening skills need the most work.

Here are some materials and options I'm considering:

  • Course: I can continue doing the course, but again, progress is slow and it costs money (and it's more expensive because there are so few students).
  • Conversation meetup: there's a way I can meet a Japanese man once a week and talk with him in Japanese (as part of a group). This is a free option.
  • Self-study: Use the Satori Reader website (paying for it if need be).
  • Self-study: Do "Minna no nihongo Chukyuu 1"
  • Self-study: Do "Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese"
  • Self-study: Work my way through the "Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader"

Which materials and learning methods would you recommend for someone at my level? Which resources or approaches did you find helpful, and which ones didn't work for you at all?

by zeptimius

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