Shipping items back home

Hi all,

Me and my partner are currently on our two week trip to Japan, we’ve accumulated and spent way too much and I’m now faced with the problem of getting all of my stuff to the UK. I’ve been trying to figure out a way but because there is so much and I can’t find someone else that is trying to ship back the same amount of stuff that I am I don’t know what to do.

I’d say both of our suitcases combined which is just filled with the stuff that we’ve bought, it would weigh around 60kg. I was just about to start packing it into this one huge box that we got and writing down all of the things that is contained inside of them (manga, figures, VR headset, consoles, makeup, plushies, etc) but I don’t know any of the weights nor do I know any of the measurements of the items.

I would just suck it up and bring the suitcases with us if we were going home but we are not going home and in fact going on a flight to Korea for another two weeks so I feel like it would be near impossible for us to both bring a suitcase full of stuff we’ve bought and then a suitcase full of a our clothes.

What should I do D:

by Accomplished_Tie8351

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