Items sold and shipped by Amazon Japan

I bought something a few months ago, it’s now defective. Amazon JP refuses to entertain telling me I have to contact the manufacturer and also unwilling to help me with manufacturer contact details.

Is this standard procedure? I would think if “sold by Amazon” they are responsible, wiping their hands clean is scary. I’m now wondering all the expensive items I bought sold by Amazon JP is not worth the brand assurance.

  1. Can’t you just find the manufacture contact information yourself?

    I have sent many products I bought from Amazon for repair under warranty. For all cases I just contact the manufacture directly.

  2. If it’s within 30 days you can request for a refund or an exchange for a new item from Amazon. Once 30 day period has passed, you’ll have to contact the manufacturer if it’s still within their warranty period. They should be listed in the documents that came with the item.

  3. That’s normal for most retailers in Japan, not just Amazon. Once the return deadline has passed you have to contact the manufacturer if there’s a problem.

  4. Amazon is a retailer, they will have a exchange window of 30 days to cover initial defects. Anything beyond that you have to contact the manufacturer and if they deem it to be a issue on their side they will do a repair or replacement. If they say it’s your fault, you are on your own.

  5. It’s standard procedure not just for Amazon in Japan but pretty much for any retailer in most parts of the world. After a certain exchange/return period (usually 30-90 days depending on the item category) you must contact the manufacturer directly.

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