Dependent Wife’s Tax situation

Thank you for any help you guys can offer

My wife started working as a personal assistant to an artist here in Japan. She’s a dependent and we have been doing everything to stay above bored but this guy is just a one man operation here so he doesn’t have a lot of support or ability to answer questions she has.

For the past few years she’s been my low earning dependent, but she’s about to cross out of the level where she will be considered a dependent (As of next month she will more than likely cross 1.3 million)

What are the next steps to help her set up her pension and health insurance since she will no longer be my dependent. Do we just go to city hall and fill out the documentation? Should I hire a tax person to assist her? My company has always handled everything for me so I am a bit clueless on the topic….

I’m sorry if this seems basic, but since her company doesn’t have HR we are pretty lost on the next steps. I’m willing to pay a tax person or a lawyer I just want to have a better understanding before I do.

by HeadOfSelfReflection

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