How klook wanted to f… me over Universal tickets

SO I know there is quite big love for Klook in this sub. My short story to show You other perspective.

As You may know or not – Universal Studios stopped selling tickets few days ago for dates beyond half of July. I needed to buy ticket for end of July for my family, so I waited anxiously when will they open sale again. Also I heard here not great opinion about official ticketing site and was advised to use Klook instead. So I yesterday morning when they opened sale I quickly bought studio pass and express pass for 31.07 (4 tickets, whole family) via klook. They confirmed studio passes but not express passes…

Today they wrote me that due to high demand – they cancel my express pass order, but don;t cancel my studio pass… And leave me with nothing. I freaked out a little, I don't want passes for 31st without express!

I spent two hours on chat with them to receive 2 infos: one good (I can use studio pass not only for the day I chose (31.07), but also on other days in the same cost category). That is good info becasue there is NO express passes for the day (31.07) now – all sold. 2nd info was bad – they don't have my express pass and can not / will not offer me anything instead. I can buy another one for other day if I find one. So I found one for three days later (3.08 – my last day in Osaka!) and I was close to buy it on Klook but I saw the price is little weird. Klook offered me this 4 x express pass for around 1k USD… I quickly checked on official USJticketing and found THE SAME OFFER for around 700 USD…

So not only they almost screw me over (I know it's ONLY universal, but I'm travelling half of the world and my sons are crazy on Nintendo. This is highlight of the trip for them) with cancelling my express pass but also wanted to take advantage of my despair and earn HUGE money on their unproffesional behaviour.

So BIG F>>> YOU Klook, will never use You again

by marcin_bl

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