Question for owners of hairy arms: my daughter is self conscious about hers…

Sorry, I dunno how else to phrase the title!

But as per the title, my daughter, who is eleven, is self conscious about her hairy arms. To the extent she is wearing long sleeves to school and her mum (who she lives with) had to take her to the doctor for mild heat stroke the other day.

Her mum is thinking about getting them Lasered off which seems a bit extreme to me for an eleven year old (and I can't even see the hairs in question, lol), but as a guy I don't really have a good perspective on this.

I did get some advice from my sisters, but was wondering if anyone on here had any additional perspectives, either as a parent or someone who went through something like this themselves.

Edit: thanks for all the replies! Really helpful. Working my way through them now!

Also thanks for the downvote friendly Redditor! Hope you find yourself in a better place soon!

by Youareafunt

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