How to contact Japan Immigration Services Agency?

I am having difficulty contacting Japan Immigration Services Agency through phone.

I've tried the following numbers that were listed on their site:

+81 3-3580-4111

+81 3-5796-7112

+81 3-5369-6577

… and the response I get is: "The service you are attempting to use is restricted"

I would like to inquire if having an active Digital Nomad visa would affect the application process if my company were to apply for a Work Visa while my current visa is still active. When I called the consular office that issued the Digital Nomad Visa, they said that because the visa is still new, they aren't sure if a nomad visa can be transferred to a full work visa and to contact the Immigration Services Agency. When I asked for a number, they said to search it up.

Does anyone know what's the best way to contact the ISA?

by TheRedditon

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How to contact Japan Immigration Services Agency?**

    I am having difficulty contacting Japan Immigration Services Agency through phone. I’ve tried the following numbers that were listed on their site:
    +81 3-3580-4111
    +81 3-5796-7112
    +81 3-5369-6577
    … and the response I get is: “The service you are attempting to use is restricted”

    I would like to inquire about whether having an active Digital Nomad visa would affect the application process if my company were to apply for a Work Visa while my current visa is still active. When I called the consular office that issued the Digital Nomad Visa, they said that because the visa is still new, they aren’t sure and to contact the Immigration Services Agency. When I asked for a number, they said to search it up.

    Does anyone know what’s the best way to contact the ISA?

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  2. 03-5796-7112 should be the one to use for international callers, with English support. They’re open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:15 JST.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs number is 03-5369-6577, open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 JST.

    These numbers are both in your post, but do make sure you’re calling during their open hours. Also note that they typically get a boatload of calls right when they open and you could simply be getting dropped because the queue is full.

    My recommendation is to hire an immigration attorney in Japan, ask them the questions, and have them ask Immigration for you.

  3. Looking at the SOR (status of residence) issue from a different angle, there is currently no law or regulation that excludes the SOR gained with a Digital Nomad visa (“Designated Activities” No. 53) from a change of status application.

    Relevant law: Article 20 of the Immigration Control Act, MOJ “Guidelines for Permission for Change of Status of Residence and Extension of Period of Stay”

    Which means that you (not your company) can apply for a change of status of residence once you’re in the country with a valid SOR.

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