How do you memorise new vocab

I’ve just started learning Japanese and I’m going through the Genki textbook as my choice of material.
I was wondering what methods people actually use to memorise the new vocab they come across and learn. It’s been a long time since I’ve attempted to learn another language (in school) and I’m just not sure what methods to use.
Genki gives a list of vocabulary in each chapter but, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t tell you how to memorise them.

  1. I create quizlet flash cards for each lesson, hit the learn option and then i click flash card option and write down the word that pops up. if i have one or more mistakes by the end, i restart the flash card and do it all over again until i have no mistakes. it sounds like a long thing to do but it really isn’t.

    and then, later that night or the following morning, i use the flash card feature and write down the words again and continue on with other tasks.

  2. Write. Write about literally whatever and use the vocab you’ve learned. Write sentences, stories, or even just the words over and over again. Be sure to do it physically, not typing on a computer.

  3. Personally for me, sometimes new vocab sticks and some times it doesn’t but when I’m playing games I sometimes save the word but mostly I just look it up once and never again unless I forget that I looked it up or even when I read I save the word/kanji that sticks out the most

  4. I used Todai Easy News app to learn vocabs. It’s kinda easy to let the words come naturally. I’ve found it hard to just use/memorize words in isolation (using Anki).

  5. You should do a core/tango deck alongside Genki. If you really want to, you can pluck the words from Genki and look for sentences online to make cards, maybe from the core 10k.

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