If Japanese men “have their act together,” Japanese women will reward them with babies, politician says

If Japanese men “have their act together,” Japanese women will reward them with babies, politician says

by kenmlin

  1. Rule #1 : Women don’t know what they’re talking about when they describe what they want…

  2. Alternate headline: Japanese politicians continue to be as completely clueless as ever.

  3. The good thing with Abe when he was around was that he was childless himself so no one in the LDP would dare say things like this. This old man basically said those with few children should be ashamed of themselves

  4. I could be wrong, but I think it has nothing to do with men and everything to do with systemic issues.

  5. > an 88-year-old man who is himself the son of a powerful business/political magnate

    A man with his finger on the pulse of modern society.

  6. What are the chances this guy was born with a silver spoon in his ass? I’d like to see figures for how many Japanese Diet members are the first in their family to attend university or even the first to be a Diet member.
    I found a research paper that said 45% of the 1990 Diet were related to current or past members


  7. Just the Japanese Government doing what it does best; washing it’s hands of any responsibility for 30 years of stagnant wages and a tanking currency. Fuck The LDP.

  8. Me while listening to the original audio in Japanese: “hahahaha… these old dinosaurs living in the Cretaceous period are so out of touch they are pathetic sometimes”

    Me remembering that I live and pay taxes in Japan: “ha… ha… fuck”.

  9. why dont the politicians in Japan get their act together and strengthen the yen already

  10. Blame anything and everything but government policies and the political class responsibility.

  11. Yeah Japanese men, stop working so much and make babies. But remember, company comes first! Company is your real family! Company loves you!

  12. Most Japanese men don’t see babies as reward when they only make 400,000 a month doing 残業 to 11pm at 32 years old 

  13. Not when the average annual salary for men is still below 5 million yen.

    The government and Japan Inc. needs to get its act together first.

  14. Man with his life together here, and I just want to say.
    Please don’t give me a baby, I don’t want it and I think it’s illegal to give away your child.

  15. Japan government saying typical Japan government things.

    Surprised the people haven’t revolted yet and overthrown their system.

  16. Funny how it’s always *insert arbitrary thing that is not related* for why society is slowly deteriorating and not, you know, real reasons.

    Maybe if people were to stop getting priced out of bring human, people would be more, well *human*.

  17. lol and this is how government falls with bunch of jackasses leading it hah

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