I finished The City and Its Uncertain Walls

I thought I'd share my little victory. I finished 街とその不確かな壁 by Haruki Murakami today. It's not the first novel I've read in Japanese but it's the first that is both very long and not yet translated to English (5 more months).

When I started learning Japanese my goal was to be able to read literature in the original version. I feel like I've accomplished this goal and it really encourages me to continue to improve. I figured I would share with you guys since you understand the struggles!

Good book, a bit repetitive but that's actually a plus when learning. I think I will finally be able to remember the difference between あらゆる and いわゆる.

I flaired this as resources because of jidoujisho which really helped me. A huge thanks to this sub for recommending it! really made the reading so much less painful.

by foxyfoxyfoxyfoxyfox

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