UPDATE: Fallen in love with my Japanese friend and want to know if he feels the same way

Today was the last day before he went home for the holidays. I had to buy a covid test to be sure before going home myself and he wanted to meet up. He also offered to get Mc Donalds together and we had a great time. We spend talking for hours again and ended up playing smash for hours. We had an absolute blast.

We told me beforehand he wanted to give me a letter. He ended up forgetting the letter at home and so wanted to tell me face to face.
He had a hard time finding his words, something he never seems to have. It came to it that he summed up all we did together and the fun we had, and how we met. He said that it might have looked like a coincidence, but in truth it was that he had a crush on me. He asked me to not answer this, as this was maybe going to be our goodbye (we study in Riga and I am going home next semester). I was stumbed by his kind words, I could cry honestly. We had a shift goodbye afterwards, I didn’t want to disregard his request for jot answering the confession but honestly, I could see this going on in the long run. I would totally accept a long distance relationship. I think his confession this way suggests that he might now, but I’m willing to fly to Riga every few weeks (it is so cheap from my home). Honestly, just sad I didn’t shoot my shot earlier.
If anyone has any advice, please do tell. Opinions are also welcome.

EDIT: To hell with it, told the guy I liked him! Thanks for the encouragement you guys

EDIT 2: Okay I’ve put all the cards on the table, I talked to my friend about it and apparently he has been sending my hints for a while (polaroid picture in his phone case, jokingly teasing, the whole shabang) I was just absolutely blind. He is on his way to Japan right now, so I send him a long text explaining how he makes me feel, and he added me on Line which I see as a signal he wants to stay in touch. Crossing my fingers that he wants to meet up again when hes back

EDIT3: Asked him for a date. Hoping for the best

EDIT 4: Guys, we were talking for a bit and we came to the conclusion we both really like each other. We make each other feel like ourselves and happy. Once I’m back in Riga after chrisrmas we agreed to go on a date!! Thank you all for the great feedback and love, I can’t thank you all enough!♡

  1. Use this as a learning experience, just like with anything else. Love is very complicated. How will you take this experience with you in a positive way?

  2. Under no circumstance should you take my advise, because I’m a helpless sucker who believes in love, fairies and all that bs, and I’ve been reminded time and time again that life can be cruel and that it goes on regardles of how you feel about it.

    But I want to say, that in these things it’s very considerate of you to respect his requests, yet there is no point where you are not alowed to have your own request to be heard, and to give it a try for that long distance relationship, if that’s what you really want (honestly those rarely work).

    It sounds like you 2 are young, have lots to learn, and will make mistakes, you are expected to make those mistakes and cringe at them later. But in the mean time have fun and remember, this too shall pass, and it will if you let it.

    Like I said, nonsense, don’t listen to me.

  3. I see no reason not to go for it — Even if it doesn’t work out with the long distance, you can call it quits at that time. If you both have feelings for each other and the only thing standing your way is inconvenience, you’ll feel regret in the future for not having taken the chance. I think romances that evolve naturally from genuine friendships tend to be the most resilient and caring. I would go for it if I were you.

  4. I’ve been long distance from my fiance that’s in Japan for 2 years now because of this covid nonsense. It’ll likely end up being 3, 3.5 years. You just gotta talk on the phone every day (but give her some space every now and then and skip a day) and you’ll be fine long distance so long as you’re both committed.

  5. I just saw all the latest edits – congrats!! I’m so happy you both confessed to each other. Your story is so sweet ♥

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