Advice for choosing a company

Hey everyone, I applied to a number of eikawas and alt programs and am looking for some advice. As of right now, I am still in the interview process with Aeon, Gaba, and Annie Global. I just received an offer from Nova, but they want to know whether I’m accepting the position by June 2nd. I applied to Nova as somewhat of a backup option incase I didn’t receive an offer anywhere else, but I actually really enjoyed my interview with them and think I could be happy there. Ideally, I’d like to work at Aeon, but I’m only in the second round of interviews with them and I know theres still 3 more steps that definitely won’t be finished before June 2nd.

Is it worth it to turn down a job at Nova to risk it for a job at Aeon? Also, if I accepted the job at Nova but got an offer from Aeon in a few weeks, would I be able to rescind my acceptance from Nova? I’m only looking to teach in Japan for a year, as I just graduated college and want to gain some real life experience before I go to law school. Any advice is truly appreciated!

  1. TLDR: Looking for experience by teaching in Japan for one year before going to Law School……. You all do that math!

  2. Honestly, you’d likely end up wasting money you could apply towards something more useful than if you stayed in your home country and just worked a part-time job. You’d probably enjoy the part-time job more too. Unless you’re really looking to breaking into EFL/ESL, I wouldn’t suggest working for any eikaiwa or hakengaisha.

  3. If you are truly staying in Japan for only one year, you won’t do yourself any damage by accepting Nova’s offer and then stiffing the company and leaving the people who hired you in the lurch and in trouble if you get a job that’s slightly more appealing.

    It’s possible that Nova could try to trouble you for lying and causing trouble, but it will not, as there’s no benefit to the company and it likely has procedures for replacing folks who don’t keep their word.

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