Health screening for housing loan

Hi everyone,

my Japanese wife and I are currently in the middle of buying land and building a custom designed house.

We got pre-approved for our desired loan amount by SBI Shinsei Bank (which is about 20% below of my maxium borrowing rate) and we have submitted all documents to the bank. I am not worried about the financial part as everything is solid in my opinion.

However, the bank requires me to enroll in 団体生命保険 in the case of death. To do so, a health check is required. I (M/36) underwent the check and while I don't take any medication or have / had any major diseases / surgeries in the last years, my blood test shows high cholestorol levels (HDL 230, LDL 152). In addition, my blood pressure is near usually perfect, but on the day of the check it was elevated for some reason (147/91). Everything else (urine, other blood values) was in normal range.

The doctor noted that the elevated blood pressure is not a problem, but mentioned that I have Dyslipidemia (state of monitoring, meaning no medication needed). The overall result was "Under monitoring".

From your experience, do you think this could be a reason for being refused by the insurance and therefore not being able to take out the loan?

by blackfades2grey

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