Former JETs, what advice can you give to those who will be leaving in summer?


Sorry, I hope this is allowed here, feel free to remove if not.

I didn't recontract so I'll be heading home next summer for grad school. As happy as I am with my decision, I'm already feeling so emotional and bittersweet. So I wanted to hear from former JETs the ways that we can make the most of our remaining half a year or so, which I'm certain is going to fly by so fast.

Absolutely anything is okay. Nice things you did for the students and teachers, ways you enjoyed your town/city knowing you'd likely never see it again, anything that helped alleviate the sadness, etc. Or even any regrets you have – things you didn't do which you wished you had done in hindsight.

This is not so much for logistical advice about leaving (pension, closing bank account, post–JET jobhunting etc.) as there's so much information available on that already. This is more like emotional coping advice for sentimental JETs such as myself lol.

Please share your advice and wisdom!

by lazycubs

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