Interested in a new subreddit for uni students in Kyoto?

We get a lot of questions about school (uni and language schools) in Kyoto on here. Many of them blossom into good discussions, but plenty are also just the same question over and over and over that we sometimes remove ("What SAT score do I need for KUAS" and "what is average student life budget in Kyoto" come to mind).

School topics are still allowed on r/kyoto of course, but a separate subreddit may be more handy for focused discussion and people looking for info.

How would you guys feel about a subreddit where students (former, current, and future) can discuss these things, arrange meetups, rate schools, etc?

Well, I made one.


If you'd like to join, feel free. I will add more details and features in the near future.

For now, please comment below if you are interested, and tell me what school you attend (or attended) so I can start building a flair list for users.

by mindkiller317

  1. Yes, nice, thanks. It’s the repetiveness of the questions and issues that would make that a good idea for them, and a relief for the normal board members. Those of us with experience can chime in as we see fit. Thanks, great idea, nice work as always.

  2. Good to see some initiative. See if people will find the sub for their question (otherwise we might redirect them). I’ll be sure to join in too even though I’m rarely online.

  3. That’s great, thanks! I’m starting at Doshisha in September, I hope this turns into another useful resource 🙂

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