Spinster considering moving abroad

Greetings!! I am a single woman in my late thirties considering moving abroad. I have a degree and am currently working as a public servant in Canada. I also have two dogs and would be taking them with me (this is my biggest concern, along with my employability). I almost took a JET program after completing my bachelor’s, but didn’t because I would have had to leave my partner at the time wasn’t willing to move overseas. I really don’t want to go the ESL way because I’ve heard sketchy stories about it and I know foreign teachers don’t have the best reputation in Japan. While I do work for my country’s government, it’s not a job that can be transferred abroad and it is slowly destroying my soul, so that’s a no go. I’m open to any advice anyone may have to offer. Thank you to anyone to took the time to read this, I hope you have a lovely weekend. ❤️

Edited to add more info: I have a Bachelor of Arts (English & history), both professional and volunteer journalist/marketing and communications experience (PR, editing, content management). I currently work in taxation and the only applicable skills I may have is my extensive knowledge of tax treaties and non-resident tax filing in Canada, but I don’t have any accounting designations. Japanese capabilities: low, but I’m learning.

by hellbilly709

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