Has anyone been able live and work in Japan on a student visa for the second time?

I went to live and study in Japan 15 years ago after i graduated high school. Went to a language school and passed the JLPT N2 then graduated from a 2 year IT college while I was there then I went back to my home country since I couldn't find a job in Japan at the time and all my funds were exhausted. I'm 36 and just have 8K in savings.


  • Previously Attended language school, passed JLPT n2 and graduated junior college in Japan
  • have no real qualifications besides the Japanese language and junior college degree in Japan
  • 8K USD in savings
  • Student Visa seems to be the only option for living and work for me atm

reasons I want to live in Japan:

  • want to return to Japan to study + work for second time
  • better conditions, rent and living expenses much lower than where I currently live
  • can already read/write and speak enough Japanese for day to day living

Is it possible for me to get in again through the Student visa route? Has anyone else been able to or know a better way? Many universities and schools seem to require that you never studied in Japan previously to qualify. Im also concerned about my age and that I don't have enough in savings to get a VISA approved by the Japanese government. I recall meeting some people at the school who were in their 30's when I was there, i'm not sure though if they were in their late 30's like me or if it was their second time.

by foxwolf_anon

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