Don’t work at MEES International School, for your own sake

I have been in Japan for 6 Months now and I was a former "Teacher" there (which only lasted 1 week).

They advertise Summer Helpers or Helpers in general labeled as "English Teacher". You just supervise 1-4 Year olds. They make you think you're actually gonna teach or help like the advert said but you're just their personal helper and onlooker .You do not teach or do anything really except listen to their ridiculous comments everyday. I have quit after one week after one of the female higher ups made harassment comments about my privacy and talked to me very disrespectfully.

After talking to the entire team on the spot about how inappropriate and unprofessional that is, all disagreed and build a defensive wall trying to label me as "just someone with no experience and from some other country".

Now in touch with the CEO of the School after they denied me A LOT of Money for the work because I quit on the spot without 1 weeks notice(There was no way in hell I would've stepped one foot in there after these comments), he plays my serious matter of work harassment off as me trying to sound smart and above him.

The Team talked to me on my first day saying "didn't think you'd show up"

Confused, they explained that my Postion had to be filled a lot of times because people either quit right away, ghost them or just don't show up to work anymore(who would've guessed why..?)

They will abuse their higher up position to make you do anything they want which is not stated in the contract or Posting (Craigslist, Jobs in Japan etc.)

PLEASE if you're a working holiday applicant like myself, or trying to find serious work, DO NOT work at MEES international School.

by EmployerFluffy909

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