Help with a line of manga dialogue

I'm currently trying to decipher some garbled speech in a silly slice of life manga about a middle school boy named Kamo-kun and his friend Katabami-san who happens to be an Inari fox spirit capable of taking on human form.

The line I'm trying to figure out is said while Katabami-san is dealing with a fit of uncontrollable hunger. She starts biting Kamo-kun's desk after admitting that she didn't go out to eat with her friends earlier because she's broke.

This is what she says as she begins to gnaw on his desk:


The text is spaced like so in the manga speech bubble

だから / ふぇーいふぁい / はらはっへはふ

だから I get but it's the other two parts of the sentence that's confusing me. I'm not sure what words she's trying to say in this garbled speech. Maybe some form of はらへった in the last section of it.

UPDATE: Link to the manga page screenshot:

Any input would be helpful. Thanks!

Katabami-san (the fox girl) does end up pranking or teasing Kamo-kun in some way every chapter so far, but the teasing comes later in this chapter. I think she is genuinely trying to resist her craving for the Tapioca-Inari (Inari fox incarnations would love this according to Shintoism) in the panel where she chews on Kamo's desk. So 抗ってます makes sense to me for the last chunk of the sentence. In which case 精一杯 also would make sense as an adverb in the middle portion of the sentence. The only thing that makes me doubt that slightly is the lack of a っ in the せいいっぱい part of the sentence.

by Sogeking104

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