Any apps to help with this?

As part of my prep for N2- since I'm trying to be VERY serious for it in December- I'm trying to work on my reading. On one hand, living in japan, I have PLENTY of access to native materials. On the other hand… I still know only about 900 kanji, and there's lots of texts that use furigana sparingly.

On my phone (Android), I decided to try to Aozora reader app- mostly because I get free access to tons of books with it. To put it simply, I'm wondering if there's another app or technique I can use so that I can get furigana for any kanji I can't read? I'd also prefer to make the process as seamless as possible- in other words, I don't want to have to constantly be copying and pasting into a translator- that's as bad as using a dictionary frequently, and why I've held off reading for so long- I do intensive reading, so looking up words interrupts the flow of reading for me.

by the_card_guy

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