Tax Advice Needed for NZ Permanent Resident Living in Japan

Hi everyone,

I'm a New Zealand permanent resident with Japanese citizenship, currently living in Tokyo. I work remotely in IT for a New Zealand company and get paid in NZD into my Kiwi bank account. My salary is $50k.

I left New Zealand due to the rising living costs and to be closer to my family. Luckily, my employer allowed me to continue working full-time remotely.

I'm trying to understand my tax obligations and how the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between Japan and New Zealand might apply to me.

  • Do I need to pay taxes in both countries?
  • What should I say at the kuyakusho (city hall) when registering?
  • Is it better to register as a digital nomad or as someone not working and continue paying taxes in New Zealand?
  • I'm a contractor not a full time employee

I'm planning to hire an accountant, but I'd appreciate any insights or advice from this community first. Thanks!

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