Hi all,
In Japan on a working holiday. I'll be working at a hostel in Hiroshima near the end of my stay and then will be traveling around for 2.5 weeks with no fixed address before returning back to my home country. I'm trying to figure out the best course of action for submitting my moving out notice in Hiroshima to ensure I'm all squared up for NHI and everything else.
When I submit my moving out notice at the ward office, can I put my actual move-out date and just let them know I'll be traveling with no fixed address for 2.5 weeks before heading home? Or does it make sense to just tell them my move out date is a little later than it actually is (i.e. maybe a few days before my flight)?
I'd prefer the former option obviously because I'd much rather tell the truth, and I also don't want to miss any mail/bills that may come to the Hiroshima address after I leave (although that isn't likely).
Thank you!
by adachimachinegun