Bear Encounter on Saihouji River Trail Arashiyama

We’re ok, weren’t harmed, but as foreigners who may be naive about bears, we might have been a bit foolish hiking there when there was a sign up about a bear in the area. In Canada, bear sightings are fairly common, but they’re much more shy, and prefer to stay away from humans, so we were pretty shocked that it rushed at us growling. 😱 We are experienced backcountry hikers, so we knew what to do, but it really shook us up. So, this is not to overly scare anyone, but just to say, hey, be careful out there, and carry bear safety equipment like bear spray or horns, and if you see bear sighting signs, just turn around and go somewhere else. Japanese bears are full on anime-level intense. 😨

by HeidiHzs

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