Listening/reading aid recommendations (mobile friendly)

I want to get used to listening to natural speech (while following the script), but for some words I need a quick definition in order to make sure I actually understand.

My goal is to see the definition of a word quickly without pausing the audio or with minimal pausing.

I've read the subreddit's wiki and did my own research and tried the following:

▪︎ Takoboto (current solution)
– Takoboto's "Reader". I can use it to add the podcast's entire script which it parses and with one click I can see the definition of the word on the bottom. See example here.

  • downsides: during a 30 minutes episode, it crashes ~3 times. Also, not all words are highlighted, but it feels like it's a small amount enough to not bother me. The crashing is what's most troublesome.

▪︎ Kiwi browser & Yomitan
– downside: I have to long press in order to get a definition, which can be slow given that I want to keep up with the speech, I can fall behind and lose track of the audio/text.

EDIT: Someone kindly guided me and I managed to get yomitan to pop up when tapped! Here are the settings that were apparently too hidden for me lol With this, Yomitan is the clear winner for me 😁

▪︎Reading Tutor
– the link given in the wiki doesn't work, but I managed to find this, which I think is the same.

  • downside: This would've been perfect, but I think it has a limit to how much text you can insert. I tried copy-pasting the script of a 30m episode, but it would just cut off somewhere in between

– I found this in the subreddit's wiki, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. The link leads to a completely different website.


Testing: I tried adding the text from ep 286 of "4989 american life" podcast.

Device: Mobile (Android)

Reasoning: I am posting here in the hopes that somebody knows some mobile friendly solution that may not be as easy to find. The Takoboto solution I am using right how doesn't make it obvious or easy to find the "Reader", so maybe there are some other apps with such hidden gems that work better than Takoboto's.

by aerra1995

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