Help! I’m stuck in a rut

50M living in Saitama quite close to Tokyo and have 2 problems that bother me – I'm generally bored out of my mind, and I'm struggling to learn Japanese (speaking).

I work from home, but really my 2 businesses these days require very little effort. The house is paid off, and I should be happy as a pig in mud, although we're not rich or anything like that. But I'm actually really bored.

I'm struggling to learn Japanese as I'm really quite isolated (wife and kids far too busy to be useful here), I've got tons of free time but nothing I want to do with it. A proper mid-life crisis. Things people suggest to me tend to bore me, I've been in Japan on and off for 25+ years so seeing the usual sights got boring decades ago. I don't like walking around aimlessly on my own. Window shopping should be a crime. And exploring Tokyo for the sake of it just sounds tiring.

If anyone has any good ideas to get me motivated to learn Japanese, or some hobby or idea that I could do that would be very much appreciate. I apologise to those of you who have more serious problems to deal with!

by AWonderfulTastySnack

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