Help with our fall Japan itinerary

Hello everybody! My girlfriend and I have decided to travel to Japan for 1.5 months this autumn, and we want to experience as much as possible from it, without having an exhausting vacation (not willing to walk from 6AM to 11PM every day). Thus, we did our research and came up with an itinerary. Still, I am concerned we might miss something huge or that we lose time with stuff which is not worthy, thus I am asking for your opinion.

A few details about the itinerary: we can change our arrival and departure cities. We will travel only by public transportation (bus, train, plane, after we decide on the route, we will decide which is the best option). We build our itinerary thinking about having a few base cities from which we can do day trips to other worth-visiting places. While we can change almost everything, we have some events we want to attend on certain days. I will highlight those fixed dates. We are not seeking ideas for what to do in the cities we mentioned already, we want to know if there is something more interesting around or if the number of days in each place is not adequate. Furthermore, we have one week of working remotely, which is flexible, but in September. If you know a nice place to work from, we'd be stunned.

Thank you!

5 September – Landing in Osaka

6 September – Rest after the flight

7-9 September – Osaka

Day trip to Lake Biwa

10 September – Kanazawa

11 September – Takayama

12-14 Tokyo (events)

15-20 September – Osaka

15 September – event Osaka

Day trip Nara

17-20 September working remotely

21-27 September – Kyoto

21 September – event Kyoto

Day trip to Okayama and Kurashiki

Day trip to Himeji

28-30 September – Tokyo (events)

30 September-3 October – Hakone

3-8 October – Hokkaido

10-13 October – Nagano

13-19 October – Tokyo

Thanks for reading!

by Lazy-Possession-6328

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