Afraid to step off the gas pedal…

For the last 3 years I've been studying Japanese. I'm at the point where I can read a lot (with help) and have basic conversations about everyday topics.

However, the road to fluency is really long and I feel that if I keep going at my pace (1+ hour a day with 10+ hrs on weekends) that I may miss out on doing other things with my life that I am interested in (music, running, travel to places that aren't Japan etc.). I have also have a full time job and cook and provide for my family so my time is limited. If i keep doing this for the next couple years I'm going to be older with only one hobby and miss out on other things.

However, I'm afraid if I step off the gas pedal, so to speak, because then I fear I'll never get to fluency. It feels like it might become a completely unreachable goal that stretches out forever. I already get frustrated with my progress and Japanese takes a lot of real work.

Does anyone have advice about this?

by investoroma

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