Japan, charity and the alleged cold-heartedness of the society

This one is serious, complex and rather grim. Please excuse how lengthy that post is, but I really think it would be difficult to put briefly.

I just read a numbers of articles and statistics that left me baffled. Data seems to indicate that the Japanese are the least likely in the World to do voluntary work, to donate their money or possessions and to help the less fortunate in society in other ways.

It is alleged that if you're out of luck in life as a Japanese person, you have it very tough and society will essentially turn its back on you. Charity is not a thing. Anecdotal evidence is that that's equally true about helping people who suffer a serious accident or ill health in public. It's alleged that the public will be very hesitant to act in any way, including calling for help.

Paradoxically, none of that precludes the general politeness and willingness to show a lost tourist their way.

The explanation I found is that this unfeeling attitude took its root from society's highly collectivistic nature. The weak or unfortunate are supposed to fend for themselves as their problems are considered the result of their lack of adherence to the high standards of work ethic, family life or adherence to social norms. As the collective good is paramount, helping the few who can't do well is considered a distraction from managing one's own affairs, at the risk of failing to fulfill one's life obligations. Public acts of charity are looked upon with suspicion, as ostentatious and virtue-signaling. The individual impulse to help out will be stifled by the anxiety of standing out, as it is seen better to do nothing than to do something wrong in the bystanders' eyes.

Part of that assessment certainly is overblown and of course, it does not apply to every single person.

Also, it reeks to the high heavens of Orientalism – the attitude of ascribing perceived moral deficiency or lack of judgement to people of "Eastern" origin.

If all the above were true though, and I cannot preclude it isn't with every confidence, what is the other side? I mean there must be one. I feel that this image must be missing something.

Let me put my thoughts in two following points:

  1. Perhaps it is bothering to me because of my deeply-engrained, cultural attitude that mandates that the opposite behavior is the expected norm. I'm acutely aware that there could be a very good historical and social explanation that would make this perceived coldness functional to the greater social good. I may not know what it is, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
  2. It's also possible that there's a set of social mechanics that balances out the alleged lack of charity, that I'm just not aware of and that people who describe Japanese society the way they do are either unaware of it or the leave it out to whatever end.

I'd appreciate it very much if you shared your thoughts on the topic and helped me fill the holes in my understanding of that topic.

by Szary_Tygrys

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