About Boston Career Fair and Work in Japan.

So there are basically serval parts I want to ask about here:

Before getting to the point, I am a senior that is going to be graduated this winter from UW Madison as a history/Japanese major, but I am thinking about switching to something more competitive in the future.

First, there are still a number of questions I have for the Boston Career Fair since this my first time going to a career fair as well:

1: I heard there are mostly Japanese who attended US universities are looking for a job position in Japan, not many foreigners, in particular Chinese nationals like me. Plus, I heard that Japanese companies in general prefer hiring Japanese over other nationals, is that true that getting a job there as foreigner, especially as Chinese, going to be harder? Given that after days of job hunting using マイナビ and リクナビ I started to grew questions regarding my availability of getting a job because I found out that many of the companies said exclusively that they only want people who are ネイティブ at Japanese…

2: Since this is my first time going to a career fair that is outside of my unis, how prepared I should be? In terms of clothings and etc. I heard that in Japan, interviewees must be wearing suits to participate, is that true to the BCF?

3: How likely they would be accepting an undergraduate like me who barely had any interns nor a completive major? So far, from my friends and feedbacks from networking, they all said recommanding me a job with a history/Japanese major could be tough.

4: As for Japanese level, I will be getting my n1 certificate this winter, as a Japanese major I am pretty comfortable in day to day basics but a little bit weak at writings.

6: Real last, I also received some feedbacks from older people who worked in Japan as foreigner. They suggested me to try to get a graduate degree from the 9 帝国大学 first and start networking there, build relations with professors and let them or their friends recommand me to a job position.

I know there are a lot here, but I am genuinely 迷っています。

by Rubricity

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