Hayashi reveals 3 more sex crime cases in Okinawa kept from public

by DungeonDefense

  1. >The central government on July 3 revealed three new cases of suspected sexual assault involving U.S. servicemen in Okinawa Prefecture that were not disclosed to the media or the prefectural government.

    >Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi, the government’s top spokesman, said at a news conference that the suspects in all three cases were not prosecuted.

    >Hayashi’s announcement means that at least five sex crime cases involving U.S. servicemen in the prefecture since last year were not made public, including the suspected kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor.

    >The suspects in the two earlier revealed incidents, which occurred in December last year and May this year, have been indicted by the Naha District Public Prosecutors Office.

    >Okinawa prefectural police and central government officials said these two cases were not immediately disclosed to protect the privacy of the victims.

    >Hayashi said the three other incidents occurred in February and August 2023 and January this year.

    >But he declined to provide details.

    >“It is extremely regrettable that sex crimes have been committed by U.S. military personnel,” he said. “It is a cause of great concern to local residents, and we will take every opportunity to request the U.S. side to thoroughly prevent such incidents and accidents.”

  2. I don’t understand why a country would not just want to defend these people, but also not see them punished at all. I would not be comfortable knowing that I was serving with actual rapists, and even less so knowing that my government effectively supports it

  3. Don’t let them off post. They can’t behave and respect others, why do they get the privilege to have liberty off post?

  4. and the US government or military justice system does not punish these soldiers?

    I am surprised that the Chinese government does not make news or publicize this.

  5. Would it have been different if the perpetrators were Japanese? There are so many sex crimes in Japan and a lot of them go unpunished, unreported or the perp gets a slap on the wrist and everything goes back to “normal,” except for the victims of course.

  6. The commanders have to be held accountable for the lack of discipline. In the past, when the military caused trouble and committed crimes, there were curfews, lockdowns, mandatory training and courtesy patrols in the bar districts. None of that now. Instead these commanders just try to hide the crimes from the public. Go to Gate 2 Street (outside Kadena) on any Saturday night and it’s wild west city.

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