Idea Proposal Spots in Kawaguchiko?

Ideal Proposal Spots at Kawaguchiko?

My partner and I are going to Japan this September which includes two nights stay at a ryokan hotel in Kawaguchiko. She knows I’m going propose to her on this trip but doesn’t know where yet. I’m set on proposing to her at Lake Kawaguchiko. My plan involves us waking up early (to beat the crowds) on the second day and biking around 7-9am (using rental bikes rented the day prior) to either:
1. Oishi Park.
When do the crowds start coming? We don’t mind a few people around but crowds would be too busy, hence trying to come in the early morning. What flowers/plants can be expected at Oishi Park at the end of the second week of September?
2. Nagasaki Park.
This location seems more secluded and less traversed by tourists. I’ve seen online photos here of golden wheat-like plants during autumn but not sure what it’s like during mid-September.

Advice is welcome. If there are any other recommendations, please let me know. Thanks!

by bigbowlpoke

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