Can Someone Tell Me How 尼 Which Means Nun or Buddhist Nun… Can Also Mean Bitch In Japanese?

Like, what's the reason behind it lmao.

by soklinsoftergent

  1. how did a word for female canine come to mean a derogatory term for female human?

  2. In Chinese, the character was originally part of a Sanskrit loanword for “female beggar”. That word seems to still be cognate with the Japanese. So we have a word that means “beggar” and a Buddhist religious context that honors beggars, thus we arrive at the contradictory meanings.

  3. It might be that type of word that is situational. It’s there but it’s hardly used. Like saying aqua instead of water

  4. I don’t know the exact and accurate history of the changing meanings of the word, but the word 尼 (阿魔) has that meaning.

    Some noble and polite words have come to have aggressive meanings and become slurs, like 貴様 and お前 (both originally meant “you” politely), or 坊主 (it originally means Buddhist monk, and it is still used as such, but it’s also used for a boy in a slightly blunt manner).

  5. Asking humans things is really outdated bro. lmcgpttfy

    Historical Context

    Buddhist Nuns’ Social Standing: In feudal Japan, Buddhist nuns often faced discrimination and were looked down upon, especially if they were former wives or daughters of samurai who had lost status. This negative perception likely contributed to the pejorative usage of the term.

    Edo Period Theatre and Literature: During the Edo period, popular culture often depicted nuns in a negative light in theater and literature. Some nuns were portrayed as hypocritical or corrupt, further cementing negative connotations.

    Linguistic Evolution

    Slang and Colloquial Usage: Over time, words can take on slang meanings that diverge significantly from their original definitions. The term 尼 might have been co-opted in colloquial speech to describe women in a derogatory manner, reflecting broader societal prejudices.

    Sound and Connotation: The sound “ama” might have acquired a harsh connotation over time, similar to how certain words in any language can shift from neutral to negative based on usage and context.

    Modern Usage

    Today, using 尼 to mean “bitch” or “sl*t” is considered highly offensive and inappropriate. It’s a stark example of how historical and cultural contexts can influence language in ways that diverge from original meanings.

  6. What do you mean???
    尼 does NOT mean bitch ┐(´-`)┌
    I’m Japanese and am genuinely confused

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