Nihonbashi or Akasaka?

My husband and I have been to Japan 5 times. We are returning this August for a quick 4-day trip and would like to ask for suggestions on where to go this time around. This will be our first time in Japan during August and I’m aware it’ll be hot and humid.

We will be flying into Narita and staying within Tokyo since we don’t have much time. I’m looking into the Nihonbashi area (near Takaracho and Kobayashi Station). But I recently saw a comment on Akasaka and now that seems interesting too.

If we stay near Nihonbashi, I’m thinking of exploring Nihonbashi and Ginza (though we’re not shoppers and mainly eyeing Yurakucho there).

Then maybe a day trip to Kamakura and Enoshima. Or should we save that for another time when it’s not too hot? We haven’t been to Asakusa yet and that seems like a quick train ride from Nihonbashi. Hoping to swing by Kagurazaka too.

Any advantages to staying in Asakasa instead? And more importantly, any tips on surviving Tokyo in August??

by easilyamusedyeah

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