Anyone Free on 7/15 (海の日)?

Hello all! I'm going to see the musical Romeo and Juliette on July 15th at noon in Osaka! I actually saw it already in Aichi but I really loved it so I wanted to catch the last show of the tour! I bought two tickets that are really good seats but I haven't been able to get rid of one because all my friends are busy so if anyone is free and wants to come with please let me know!

Edit: I should clarify thanks to one of the commenters pointing out that yes this musical is in Japanese. Also just to prevent any misunderstandings I will not be giving away the ticket for free. But I am willing to negotiate for price.

Edit 2: I bought these tickets for about 15,000 yen each btw because they're about stage level so just something to keep in mind.

by TheOchaisAtsui21

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