Is there a wrong way of immersion?

I am around N3 level and I heard this is the stage to start fully immersing in native materials. I am currently reading a webnovel, real world setting, high school to university romance story, so the vocab isn't that difficult, although there are still sentences that I can't quite understand in almost every chapter. I sometimes also read manga whenever the new chapters aren't translated in english yet or if that manga has no english translation at all. However, I'm not sure if I'm immersing the "correct" way or not and am afraid that I'm doing it wrong. Below is my current method, please tell me if I'm doing it wrong.

1) When I'm reading something, I never put unknown vocabs in anki, I just look them up with yomichan, google etc and then move on.

2) I only read stuff that don't already have english translation. This means I will never know whether my comprehension is correct or not. And like I said above, sometimes there are sentences that I don't understand at all; once in a while I would ask here if I'm really curious but I usually just move on.

3) I am very indecisive whether to spend time watching anime with JP subs or just spend all my time reading instead. With anime, I only watch the ones that I never watched yet, and they have english subs, so I usually look up the english subs if there's a sentence I don't understand. I tend to look up everything I don't know so each episode takes a while to finish so it's very exhausting since it's not very fun watching something while pausing every few seconds/minutes to look up words.

Would appreciate some feedback because so far immersion has only improved my reading speed, and nothing else. Thanks in advance.

by Kamishirokun

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