What do your children call you?

Or your grandkids, for that matter.


Or something Japanese?

  1. Dad or when they were little, Dadda. My wife usually gets called ‘Mum’, ‘Mama’, or very, very rarely ’お母さん’.

  2. My kid calls me by my name. He picked it up from his mum hollering at me. I get “daddy” sometimes, but most often, my name. It doesn’t bug me.

  3. Mama, maman (french for mom), sometimes okaasan, mommy.

    She got okaasan and mommy from watching youtube videos.

  4. Mom, Momzaria (my kid is cute but weird.), Dad is just Dad. Their grandparents are Nonna and Lolo

  5. Inside the family (*i.e.,* directly addressing us), usually idiosyncratic nicknames.

    In Japanese, when speaking to other people, the usual.

    In English, when speaking to other people, “Mommy” and “Daddy.”

  6. “Mama” and “papa” for my husband and I. The kid is 16 months, English/Japanese speaking household.

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