Itinerary check – 2 weeks in Tohoku in late August

Hi! This will be my third trip to Japan and I’m hoping to do a hiking-centric trip to Tohoku this time. Would really appreciate some experienced eyes on this first iteration of my planned itinerary. This will be late Aug/Early Sept. I know it will be very hot and humid 🙁

My main goal for this trip is to do the Dewa Sanzan. I know transportation in the area is rough and it’s somewhat weather-dependent, but I am willing to move things around for that hike. I am planning to get an international driver’s license for this trip, however I would like to avoid renting a car if at all possible! EDIT: I actually just saw that the pagoda on Hagurosan is under renovation, so I might skip that one and just do the Gassan to Yudono hike, in exchange for another day in Tokyo or maybe Oku-Nikko again since I was rushed last time.

Day 1/Thursday – Arrive in NRT late afternoon. Rest

Day 2/Friday – Full day in Tokyo. Did a lot of shrines last time, hoping to focus on museums and gardens this time

Day 3/Saturday – Day trip to Nikko, Kirifuri plateau

Day 4/Sunday – Train Tokyo to Sendai. Rest/wander

Day 5/Monday – Mt. Zao

Day 6/Tuesday – Explore around Sendai

Day 7/Wednesday – Yamadera hike and Omoshiroyama

Day 8/Thursday – Train Sendai to Tsuruoka, rest day

Day 9/Friday – Kamo aquarium and wander around Tsuruoka

Day 10/Saturday – Dewa sanzan day 1, Mt. Haguro

Day 11/Sunday – Dewa sanzan day 2, Mt. Gassan and Yudono

Day 12/Monday – Train Tsuruoka to Tokyo, rest

Day 13/Tuesday – Tokyo shopping!! Lol

Day 14/Wednesday – depart NRT

Thank you!

by achaete_scute

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