LLC Taxation Foreign Registration

When is it required to register a LLC in Japan as a foreign corporation?

It’s a Single Member LLC taxed as a sole proprietor in the U.S. and solely deals with rental properties.

The properties are managed by a property manager in the U.S. The property manager is responsible for advertising/finding the tenant collecting rents, maintenance (with my approval or request), responding to tenant issues, maintaining all financial records and distributing what’s left after their fee.

My responsibility is to approve/pay for maintenance related cost, insurance, mortgage, Home Owners Association fees, property tax and file state/federal income taxes.

Also everything except the principal on the mortgage is tax deductible plus the depreciation on the physical structure. What’s the difference in Japan?

Do state income taxes get credited in Japan the same as Federal income taxes on rental properties as per the tax treaty?

by Throwaway4567894246

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