Ultra compact rinko bags

I'm a road cyclist and one of the reasons I tend to shy away from travelling on the train with my bike is that my current rinko bag takes up a bit too much space. Not so much of an issue if I plan an overnight trip, but for day trips it is a bit inconvenient in that I need to either carry it (if not doing a round trip) or use a locker.

I've come across what seems to be a very lightweight and compact rinko bag: https://www.fairmean.com/ultralight-compact-road-cycling-transfer-bag/9zpf3rnvtyxfdp93740bwcseg3efgs

which is lightweight and small enough to pack into a jersey pocket. I was wondering if any of the cyclists here are aware of any other jersey pocket sized rinko bags?

EDIT: I am a resident in Japan, not a visitor.

EDIT2: I bought a super lightweight one from Peko at https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/view/peko which has a very limited time where they take orders, but somehow that limited time coincided with this post ie. June 17th.

by tstewart_jpn

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