Why is it 違う+noun instead of 違い+noun

Why is it違う部署の子を来てるよ and not違い部署の子も来てるよ?
Doesn’t chigai mean different and chigau wrong?

  1. 違い is a noun and cannot modify another noun

    違う is a verb and therefore can modify a noun directly

    違う can mean either wrong or different (so can 違い)

  2. 違う is a verb in the 連体形(れんたいけい) form. 連体形 literally means “connects-to-nouns form”.

  3. 違う is an intransitive verb that means “to differ” in English it can often be translated into to be+ wrong (adjective) but Japanese doesn’t have the copula “to be” and in this case it approximates the function with the complementer phrase (CP) construction that takes the dictionary form.

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