How long does it take for bank transfer to be reflected in SBI Securities

Hello, I was the one who created the thread about suggestion of brokerages with a long name. I decided to go with SBI Securities and there is one thing that I noticed.

I can connect my SBI Securities account with my SMBC bank, but I cannot use the instant deposit (即時入金) because my names in SMBC and SBI do not match as SBI Securities has my name cut partway and SMBC has my full name.

So, I decided to try to deposit some money to SBI Securities with the bank transfer method (銀行振込). For some reason, the money still has not yet arrived in my account even though it's already more than 2 hours.

My questions are as follows:

  • Have anyone ever encountered the same problem (names do not match so you have to make a manual bank transfer)?
  • If anyone has ever tried it, how long does it take to get the money into your SBI Securities account after performing a bank transfer? Do you have to wait until the next business day? I noticed that on Monday at the time of writing this post, it is the Sea Day, so maybe they are not going to process it until Tuesday?

Thank you for your help as always.

by longname-9183445

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