Itinerary check – 22 days Tohoku and Tokyo – public transport only

I'm planning my 4th and my partner's 1st trip to Japan for end of October/beginning of November (13.10-4.11). Because I'm more into Japan than my partner and I've done the major tourist towns before, I want to go where I haven't been before. Problem: neither of us drives. Also, my partner gets bored with "just views", so I worry if I pack "too much nature" in, so I will have to get creative.. but also he wants to stay in "hubs" and do day trips rather than move to new accommodation every/every 2 nights.

So far I'm thinking:
2 nights: Arrive in Tokyo + adjust

1 night in Shimokita:
go to Osorezan (my must visit place) and make my way to Aomori

4? nights in Aomori

  • day to enjoy Aomori
  • day in Hirosaki (I see it should be a good spot for Shamisen performances! :))
  • daytrip around lake Towada & Hakkoda Mountains (I found a day tour on Klook that looks good, as it looks like a pain to get without a car)
  • half day in Aomori travel to Morioka

3 nights in Morioka – doubts this works

  • enjoy Morioka
  • daytrip to Kakunodate
  • daytrip to ??? lake Tazawa/Hachmantai/Nyuto Onsen look a bit painful to do without a car; Jodogahama Beach & Ryusendo Cave do too (I was trying to find a day tour for either option but no luck yet) (would it be better to skip Morioka, and stay in Kakunodate? or just do 2 nights there?)

2 nights in Hiraizumi

  • enjoy Hiraizumi
  • Geibikei Gorge

3 nights in Sendai

  • enjoy Sendai
  • Shiogama & Matsushima Bay
  • Yamadera Temple (my second must visit place)

1 night in Aizu Wakamatsu? I'm a bit uncertain if it's worth doing more around without a car? I don't know much about Fukushima..

2 nights in Nikko
3 nights in Tokyo

or could just do Sendai -> Tokyo, do Nikko and Kamakura as day trips
and maybe squeeze 1 night or 2 in Kawaguchiko (I haven't seen Mt Fuji up close, it is an iconic sight my partner might enjoy).

I've seen some ambitious itineraries for Tohoku, does the above also look a bit crazy? anything you'd exclude/do instead/ spend more time around?
I have tried to look at travel times in between places. I think Osorezan will be worth it, but any day trips of 2-2.5h one way I think will be more tiring (like Hachimantai and Jodogahama, also with Matsushima Bay being coastal and one of the three scenic views.. it's more worth it than Jodogahama? and maybe I will go back to Iwate when I learn how to drive 🙂 ), I feel weaving in Aizu Wakamatsu complicates things too..

I'm not sure which spots along the way would be best for onsen.

I'm not expecting peak koyo, but maybe I should spend more time in Tokyo at the beginning of the trip rather than at the end for a slightly better chance? (it's difficult to predict, so im happy either way, we're starting the trip with backpacks only)

Thank you for any comments, thoughts, advice.

by _feelthemoment

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