Is It Possible To Get An Artist Job In Japan (As a foreigner)?*

The asterisk is there because there's a lot of extra information you should know:

*I'm asking is it POSSIBLE (assuming you're obviously willing to put the work into it)

*I've always been interested in drawing characters, whether I'm designing a new character, or drawing a character that already exists. I'd love to ideally work in drawing mascot characters or brand characters somehow (would love to design them or make promotional art/items for them).

*Assume limitations like needing to understand and speak japanese are taken care of, since I would likely be trying to commit to learning the language so I would not be inconveniencing others by the language barrier. Same with learning customs and ettiquette of japan, assuming I have to move there (which I'm assuming is yes)

*I've heard this tip around, about making sure I have a job established before I move, and considering how expensive I've heard Japan can be, I would indeed stay in the U.S. until I'm actually ready.

*I ask this question after I have done thorough research. I haven't found any sites, articles, videos, etc with information on working on character design or mascot-related art jobs before which is why I ask.

*If there is a better place to ask this, please tell me and I'll ask there too. I just assume with the topic of wanting to move to Japan and possibly even live there for a while, that this post would probably work well in this reddit. I have done research about what it's like living in Japan and I think I'd get used to it there, as long as I do the research and put the effort into it.

Everything just kind of comes to if I can get a job, so I'd love to hear responses.

Thank you for reading my very long post :')

by critter_core

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