What’s up with Japanese Vegetables?

I just recently got back from my second long stay in Japan. I’ve spent time in Tokyo, Kyoto, and all around Oita Prefecture as well as Hokkaido. There are so many things I love about the culture!

One thing I’ve noticed everywhere I’ve visited l is that in every grocery store, no matter what, there is the exact same set of vegetables available. They are all very homogeneous in size/shape, especially the carrots. They are even all in the same packaging and quantities.

I’m from the US and for the most part, there is a good amount of variation in what produce is available and how it looks depending on where you live and what kind of store you’re at.

Does anyone know anything about the farming industry in Japan? Are these vegetables even grown in Japan or are they imported from China? Why do they all look the same? And is there anywhere in Japan to get more ‘farmers market’ type local produce that is more natural looking.

by Bhamwasteland

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