みんなの日本語L9-12:こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. Write your sentences with “から=Reason”. Or write your sentences with a grammar topic that you chose from the List. I will check your sentences for JLPT N5 Beginner and Intermediate learners.

**①Improvement of Writing and Speaking**

こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. In this series, I will share my practice way for N5 Beginner and Intermediate level learners who want to write sentences as review.

This series also contains Speaking exercise for Beginner level. Usually, beginners could have difficulty to judge which topic is more important. From viewpoint of Japanese, I will pick up more important and skip less important grammar topics. So, you can save time. This could be shortcut.

If you try to write your answer in accordance with below “②Instruction of Exercise” and post them in “48 hours” from posting this thread, I try to comment and check your sentences. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limitation of time, I try to comment. Also welcome SNS and Reddit account follow.


**②Instruction of Exercise**

If you are N5 Beginner level, start from “**Procedure 1”**. If you are intermediate level learner, see **“Procedure 2”**. (If you want to choose other grammar topic, **see ④**)


**“Procedure1 for Beginner Level”**

(Step1): Check “Vocabulary” meaning in the list from the below link.

(Step2): Check and understand “Grammar” from the below link.

(Step3):You can check “Speaking Practice Video” in the below link and get used to how to use appropriately this time grammar topic to make sentence. You can also check “Practice Sheet”. You can use it for your speaking practice.

[→The Link for Vocabulary, Grammar and Speaking Practice Sheet](


[→Speaking Practice Video](


(Step4): Writing Exercise:

(W1) Read “☆Basic Example Dialogue” between Person A&B below. The Dialogue contains Grammar Topic “から=Reason”.

(W2) Try to make your dialogue between Person A&B like “☆Basic Example Dialogue”. In your dialogue, please try to use this time grammar topic “から=Reason” appropriately. Millions of mistakes are necessary for improvement, so you do not have to hesitate.

N5 level learner, if you have difficulty to write Dialogue style sentence, it is OK to write single sentences with grammar topic and also OK to use only Hiragana. (It is easy-to-read to make space between word and word).

(W3) Post and share your dialogues in 48 hours from posting this thread.


**“Procedure 2 for Intermediate Level”**

(W4) Like below “☆Advanced Example Dialogue”, try to use this time Grammar topic **“**から=Reason**” at least once** and make your original Dialogue. In other words, if you just use the topic at least once, you do not have to use the topic anymore and you can make your dialogue freely. It is also OK to add more Person A&B part to make longer Dialogue.

(W5) Post your Dialogue in 48 hours from posting this thread.


**③Example Dialogues**

While I referred to “時間がありませんから、新聞をよみません。” Page 63 in Minna No Nihongo Second Edition Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English, I used same grammar pattern and wrote another sentence by combining other words like below \[\*1\]. To make dialogue structure, based on \[\*1\] sentence, I wrote \[\*2\] Question sentence as Person A’s line. I added “\[ \] My grammar interpretation”.


**“☆Basic Example Dialogue”**

A: きょう、ゲームを しますか。\[\*2\]

kyou geemuwo simasuka

Will you play video games today?

\[Like we have already learned “present form します” covers present tense asking “daily habit” and future tense asking “future plan”. Because of きょう, the sentence is asking today’s plan. People often mean ゲーム = Video game.\]

B: きょう、ようじが ありますから、 ゲームを しません。\[\*1\]

kyou youjiga arimasukara geemu wo simasen

I will not play video games because I have something on today.

\[ “ようじが あります” comes before “から” as conjunction to indicate reason, and then main sentence “ゲームをしません” comes.\]


**“☆Advanced Example”**

A: 早く空港(くうこう)に行ったほうがいいですか。

B: まだ時間がありますから、急(いそ)がなくてもいいですよ。

A: あ、そうですか。何時の飛行機に乗るんでしたっけ。

B: えー、20時ですね。

A: じゃあ、まだ大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)ですね。今日は空港までの道も渋滞(じゅうたい)がないらしいので。

So, like this, if you add \[ \] explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and check your sentences more accurately.


**④Choose a topic form the List and Write your sentences.**

If you want to write sentences with other grammar topics for N5 Level learning or review.

(W6) Check the below Grammar List and choose a topic.

(W7) Write your single style sentences with the grammar topic. Or like above “Advanced Example”, try to write Person A and B Dialogue with your chosen grammar topic.

(You can see “lesson number” and “name of grammar topic” on the list. So, please write your chosen lesson number e.g., L14-2 and name of the topic with your sentences. it will be helpful to understand and check your sentences more accurately.)

(W8) Post your Dialogue in 48 hours from posting this thread.

[→Grammar Topic List of JLPT N5 for Writing and Speaking Activity](



3A Corporation 2012, *Minna No Nihongo Second Edition – Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English*, 3A Corporation, Tokyo.

ISBN-10: 4883196046

スリーエーネットワーク(2012), 「みんなの日本語 初級I 第版 本冊」, スリーエーネットワーク.


**⑥Question and Comment**

If you have some questions about topic, ask me on the comment section. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limitation of time, I try to comment back.


**⑦Update Alert by SNS**

I will continue to upload of this series for N5 Basic level. You can easily get each time update, if you follow my SNS or Reddit account.



  1. 日本語が下手ですから、毎日インターネットニュースとか新聞も読みます。

  2. そろそろ友達の誕生日は訪れます(おとずれます)から、今日ショッピングに行きます。
    My friend’s birthday is coming up, so I’m going out shopping.

    I’m not sure how to say an event is coming up (ex. Christmas is coming, etc.)

  3. 今日は仕事が大変でしたから、家に帰って、何もしたくないです。

  4. A「今日、日本語勉強したか?」





  5. 今週の木曜日から新しい仕事が始まります!

    (Should 歩くとbe before or after 学校から家までは?)


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