I’ve been curious on how to act and I’m wondering if anyone ever had the same problem and managed to get some service.
I’ve tried to contact a Ryokan for a room that i want to book for my travel. On their website there is a room available with a private open air bath, but it’s only shown on the main site. Once you click the English booking section it leads you to another site and the room from the main site isn’t shown.
I’ve properly checked and it is available. On the main site, i can proceed to the selection of the room for the dates requested and choose the meal plan, but It’s impossible to book from the Japanese site as it asks a local address to finalize the booking process.
I wrote an email two weeks ago to the Ryokan. I did write in the email that i was using a translation program to write to them since i was not speaking Japanese. I also explained the issue and added screenshots of the room being available on the main site and not on their english site. In all ways i’m pretty much sure the email was properly detailed and i also left the original English message in the email sent.
I have received no reply from the Ryokan. I also sent a follow up and had no reply. It’s been two weeks.
I’ve started taking Japanese classes, but i do not think that i am even close to be able to have a full conversation.
Is there any other ways that i could get a reply?
Should i just look for another place?
What would you do? Anyone ever had a similar situation?
Thanks a bunch !
by ProsperoII