Should I be worried about my partner’s possible addiction to Pachinko?

I (24, F) am worried about the
amount of pachinko that my boyfriend (27, M) plays. Recently, he has been going to play pachinko with his friends at least weekly. Last month, he even went on a trip to South Korea with his friends just to gamble there. He refuses to tell me how much money he spends on pachinko, even though we are open about our spending/ finances with everything else.
He told me years ago that he used to play pachinko daily and was addicted to it in the beginning of college.
When he plays pachinko, he will spend half the day or more playing it.

Every time I voice my concerns (even tonight) he tells me that “this is common in Japan.”

Sometimes I have to wait hours for him to finishing playing pachinko even if we agreed on an earlier time to meet.
He is Japanese and I am American. Am I just being ignorant about Japanese culture, or could these be signs of an addiction?

Please let me know if posts like this aren’t allowed. I really want to know if this is normal in Japan. Thank you.

Edit: Putting more context below:

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 4 years. We met in college. We do not live together yet. He is living with his parents until we live together. He is from an extremely wealthy family. He has a job and works for his father’s company that he will inherit someday.

I make far less money than him and although it may be naive for me to think this, I’m not as worried about him using my money.

On top of the money he earns from work, his parents let him use their money for practically everything. They are extremely generous to him.

I’m mostly worried about the addiction aspect and how this can negatively impact our relationship, his relationship with his family, and his life in general.

by Cursedxdoll

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