Anti-whaling campaigner arrested in Greenland and police say he may be extradited to Japan

Anti-whaling campaigner arrested in Greenland and police say he may be extradited to Japan

by OgdensNutGhosnFlake

  1. Uh-oh.

    Are we in for another circus farce like we had with Ghosn? Multiple years in “detention” without actually being arrested?

  2. He previously jumped bail on arrests related to those activities the warrant is based on, so expect him to be held throughout this time.

  3. If he ends up in a Japanese prison, what are the chances he gets fed whale meat for his prison meal?

  4. He’s just a hate propaganda tool anyways.

    [Norway Now Kills More Whales Than Japan – International Marine Mammal Project (](

    “Although Norway has been increasing its quotas for hunting whales, the demand for whale meat in Norway remains very low. In response to the lack of domestic demand for whale meat, the Norwegian government has sought to expand the industry through subsidized research, for example, on new uses of whale oil, and by recently exporting more than 100 tons of whale meat to Japan. A lot of the whale meat goes to tourist restaurants and cruise ships. Still, despite Norway’s high quota — set at 1,278 — last year, Norwegian whalers caught only 454 whales, meeting only 36% of their quota. The lack of domestic demand and inability to meet the high hunting quotas suggests that, absent support by the Norwegian government, the whaling industry in Norway could fail.

    Norway relies on the myth that whales are responsible for the decline in fish stocks, and suggests that whaling could solve the global problem of depleted fisheries. But the decline in fish stocks has clearly been linked to human overfishing. Additionally, researchers have debunked this myth by mapping human fish catches against fish species that whales eat and found only minor overlap. There is no evidence that whales or other marine life deplete fisheries that humans depend on.

    Norway has also increasingly obscured the inhumane methods of their whale hunting operations. Whaling still involves the use of harpoons fired into the whales. The harpoons are fitted with grenades, which penetrate up to 12 inches into the whales before exploding, releasing sharp claws that rip into the whale’s flesh and allow whalers to more easily drag the whale towards the catcher boat. Furthermore, the likelihood of obtaining a clean, accurate strike resulting in a swift death is often low. When not achieved, the harpooned whales can bleed out slowly before dying an agonizing death.

    Even worse, the most targeted whale type in Norway is the pregnant whale. According to official statistics, between 2000-2015, more than two-thirds (68%) of the minke whales killed by Norwegian whalers were female and more than 40% of these were pregnant.”

  5. Screw this guy and screw Sea Shepherd.

    Sea Shepherd is single-handedly responsible for turning the Japanese public against whale conservation. Making then dig in their heels and support whaling.

    Their illegal activities and especially the videos they took of harassing people who weren’t even directly involved in the industry were plastered all over Japanese TV. And even worse, they provided emotional arguments against whaling, which is like a Hindu trying to convince an American to not eat beef.

    It was in response to that that Japan pushed back even harder using the “tradition and culture” defense, instead of actual environmental science.

    That type of activism doesn’t actually help the cause, only makes the members feel virtuous.

  6. Why does Japan have jurisdiction over this guy’s case when it appears to have happened near Antarctica and he isn’t a citizen? It only says “The arrest is believed to be related to a former Red Notice issued for Captain Watson’s previous anti-whaling interventions in the Antarctic region”, not that he necessarily targeted Japanese ships. Are the LDP so determined to protect their oh-so-precious “whaling tradition” in Taiji or something?

    EDIT: “The arrest is believed to be related to a former Red Notice issued for Captain Watson’s previous anti-whaling interventions in the Antarctic region”. Key word “former”. Technically this guy isn’t even supposed to be under arrest, I think, if he’s not on a red notice.

    EDIT 2: Nowhere in the article is it stated that he had previously interfered with anything that was Japanese, only that he was planning to do so!

  7. “Well I’m in Japanese prison Lawd
    Japanese prison got me down
    Said I’m in Japanese prison Lawd
    Don’t belong here, my eyes are round.”

  8. I thought the Japanese had stopped whaling and focussed on killing the chickens and cows after they discovered who really dropped the bomb

  9. Japan will cave to save face. Or they will treat him like the comfort women. Either way busting the guy out of a small town with less than 40k residents should be pretty straight forward.

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