Timing to change of visa status and job

So I am planning to resign from my current job and join a new company from November 1st. The issue is that I will have to change my visa status to Engineer.

After searching online, it seems that I will have to submit a proof of resignation when applying for the new visa? So I was wondering:

1) Is it possible to apply for the new visa before my last day in my current company?

2) What kind of proof/document did immigration ask you when applying?

I know there are many posts related to visa but I could not find a suitable reply and it has made me so stressed lately..

1 comment
  1. First of all, congratulations! It’s exciting, and yes, the visa status process can be stressful.

    1. I believe you will need to submit a notification of leaving/starting a job first, which you can’t do until after your last day at work.

    This is a separate process from a change of visa status, but it is also necessary for changing jobs even within the same visa category.

    I did my visa status change application after submitting this. I don’t know if it’s possible to do it before changing jobs. I don’t think so, but I could be wrong.

    2. The internet will give you many different opinions. The best way for me which was going in for a consultation at immigration directly. They gave me a checklist with the documents I needed, which was a little different from what my Internet sources gave me.

    A lot of the documents were mostly from the company itself. They didn’t ask me for proof of resignation because I already did #1 (notification of leaving). I still provided them with the official document that says I left though, just to be safe.

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